How to Set SMART Nutrition Goals for Your Health Journey

Embarking on The Laster Frontier, it's crucial to have some foundational goals. Think of them as my north star, always lighting the way. In the past, my goals often felt misguided. Enter the revelation: SMART goals!

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Setting My Compass with SMART Goals

Embarking on The Laster Frontier, it's crucial to have some foundational goals. Think of them as my north star, always lighting the way. In the past, my goals often felt misguided. Enter the revelation: SMART goals!

In case you're wondering, SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, and Time-bound. It's all about setting clear, actionable objectives. I like the simplicity of it and have woven it into my nutrition goals.

Let's take a look at my goals as an example.

Breaking It Down: My SMART Nutrition Goals


  1. Optimize Health: Enhance my overall well-being and quality of life through nutrition strategies.
  2. Personal Experimentation: Try specific nutritional strategies to figure out what works best for my body.
  3. Knowledge Acquisition: Regularly read research studies to stay informed and guide my nutrition experiments.
  4. Share & Care: Share my discoveries, learnings, and insights to help others on their quests.


  1. Blood Panel Check-ups: Commit to 2-3 times comprehensive blood panel tests annually to monitor my internal health markers.
  2. Food Log: Maintain a detailed record of daily food intake, noting reactions and changes in health markers.
  3. Documentation: Create a structured framework for recording and organizing my nutrition plans, measurements, and notes.


  1. Flexible Dieting: Implement a diet that evolves based on personal experience and health data.
  2. Balancing Act: Commit to the 90/10 rule, where 85% of what I eat comes from non-processed sources and 15% is for indulgences.
  3. Study Engagement: Dedicate specific hours each week to reading and summarizing nutritional studies.


  1. Laster's Exploration Logs: Use The Laster Frontier to track my nutrition journey and guide others.
  2. Continuous Learning: Review and update my strategies based on the latest research, experiment results, and personal feedback.


  1. Health Check-ins: Schedule and adhere to 2-3 blood panel tests annually.
  2. Seasonal Adjustments: Adjust my diet every three months based on gathered insights.
  3. Yearly Recap: Set aside time at the end of each year to review my journey, celebrate milestones, and identify areas for improvement.

Questioning the Norm

Mainstream takes on nutrition are atrocious. Rather than rely on them, I'm betting on self-research, experimentation, and diligent record-keeping to improve mine. An iterative approach will, over time, sculpt a healthier me.

It's no cakewalk though. These experiments, studies, and reviews take time and effort. Look out for upcoming posts where I'll share my templates and frameworks to simplify the process.

Perfection isn't my aim. Continuous, consistent improvement is. And hey, a little popcorn and chocolate now and then? Nothing wrong with that ๐ŸŽƒ.

Challenge Time!

Pause for a moment. Reflect:

  • What are your SMART nutrition goals?
  • How will you chase them down?
  • Why do they resonate with you?

Give yourself a 5-minute window to write them down. To help, here's a SMART goal template I crafted just for you!

I invite you to share your reflections in the comments! Let these answers anchor you, serving as your north star on the journey to a better self. They establish your baseline, enabling you to measure your growth against today's aspirations, and chart the path ahead.

Jordan Laster

Jordan Laster

Software developer. Former DI Wrestler at Princeton University ๐Ÿ…. Running nutrition and fitness experiments to improve my health and reach my goals ๐Ÿงช.